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Australian Bulk SMS API

SMS API Documentation

Our free SMS API allows you to integrate SMS messaging into your applications and systems. Our API is very simple, yet powerful way to connect to our Australian SMS gateway. The use of the SMS HTTP API is free. All you need is account username and password details.

For bulk SMS connectivity, we have two separate SMS gateways for your software: an HTTP API as well as an easy to use SMS to Email API.

The HTTP API lets you send single or bulk messages, change the sender name to match your company or application, as well as insert variable data into your messages.

You will need to make an HTTP or HTTPS connection to our URL. Our documentation contains all the required information and examples.

It doesn’t matter which programming language you use, as long as you can make the required HTTP connection. We have example codes for PHP and the documentation provides language agnostic examples for any other language.

SMS HTTP API Documentation

SMS HTTP API Documentation

Email-to-SMS API can you get you started quickly and easily as many existing applications already support outgoing email. Our Email-2-SMS allows takes a plain text email message and delivers it to the recipient handset as an SMS.

It’s as simple as sending a plain text email addressed to

Our support team can provide additional assistance implementing the Email-to-SMS service and assisting you to configure your software with the email API.

SMS HTTP API Documentation

Email to SMS API Documentation

Please let us know if you  have any questions about our SMS API’s or if you need any additional information at all?

    SL Interactive Website:

    Sales & Accounts Support:

    Phone:  +61 3 9016 0442